Dome halogen light
The following 2 picture are showing the newly installed 3 small white halogen (red arrow) dome light (I found that 110volt light where missing in a Westy), working on 110volt with a very small transformer, they are nice and very discreet. I bought those (3) in a complete “Kit” with wire and transformer, I also bought a double standard house switch to operate those, note the location of the switch (yellow arrow), there is nothing behind the switch…  for sure you will have to remove the left rail to do this clean installation. They are connected directly to the inside of the “brown” 110v inlet. The black dome light (white arrow) is also a addition, it is a good reading or general low consumption light, I also have one in the back over the engine compartment.   Note: those small halogen light are working fine on a 12 volt source!!!! (I will make a conversion 12v/110v switch later